Tuesday, October 04, 2005

What would you do for money?

By SexyCafe Blog

It's said that everyone has a price. Like the movie Indecent Proposal would you sleep with someone for $1 million? What other crazy things would you do if you were payed?

  1. For $1,000 would you wear your underwear on the outside of your pants to go grocery shopping? (YES) or (NO)
  2. For $100 would you eat edible insects? (YES) or (NO)
  3. For $500 would you have a harry met sally moment and fake an orgasm in public? (YES) or (NO)
  4. For $50 would you start singing out loud in a public library? (YES) or (NO)
  5. For $100,000 would you sleep with a complete stranger? (YES) or (NO)
  6. For $10 would you phone up a complete stranger and ask them to marry you? (YES) or (NO)
  7. For $500 would you drop your pants in the street? (YES) or (NO)
  8. For $1,000,000 would you sleep with a stranger of the same sex? (YES) or (NO)
  9. For $20 would you eat rocky mountain oysters? (YES) or (NO)
  10. For $100,000 would you streak at a major sporting event? (YES) or (NO)
  11. For $25 would you kiss a complete stranger on the lips out of the blue? (YES) or (NO)
  12. For $500 would you sit in a resturant and pour a glass of milk over your head? (YES) or (NO)
  13. For $100 would you let someone crack 6 eggs into your underwear and then go to the movies with them still in your underwear? (YES) or (NO)
  14. For $5,000 would you shave your head? (YES) or (NO)
  15. For $200 would you break wind in a crowded elevator? (YES) or (NO)
  16. For $1,000 would you go to a bar in drag? (YES) or (NO)
  17. For $10,000 would you not have a bath or a shower for a month? (YES) or (NO)
  18. For $200 would you drink a cup of water that has been strained through a sweaty sock? (YES) or (NO)
  19. For $2,000 would you eat some yellow snow? (YES) or (NO)
  20. For $20,000 would you pose for Playboy or Playgirl? (YES) or (NO)

Please give us your answers or comments...

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